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Father’s Day Reminder!

Father’s Day falls on Sunday June 21st this year – don’t forget! Not to worry, we still have some Father’s Day cards if you did forget. If you need any last minute gift ideas for dear old Dad check out some of the stuff below.

Knotted Nest bifold wallet, $30 each
These handmade wallets come in a cute box made from old maps! Knotted Nest “upcycles” vintage fabric and hand makes their products right here in Canada.
City and Colour in St. Catharines poster, $35.
Screen printed at our studio in Kensington Market.

Woodworking in a Weekend, $30 . Man Crafts, $17.
If your Dad has run out of things to fix, renovate, and restore, check out these two books full of hands-on projects.

“Devo” screen printed poster, $60.

Grids & Guides hardcover notebook, $22. Grids & Guides set of 3 notepads, $20. Needlepoint Horizon 0.7mm pens, $13 each.
“Ty Segall” screen printed poster by Steve Manale, $22.
Maybe he will enjoy this colourful comic strip style gig poster for Ty Segall designed by Canadian artist Steve Manale.

P1070789Alphabet Stencil Book, $25 . Low Tech Print, $37 . Drawing Type, $44 .
We have lots of books for the Dads who love to design and create.

Happy Father’s Day everyone!

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Father’s Day – Hi Dad!

This year Father’s day falls on Sunday June 21st. Here are a few items in our shop that remind us of our Dads. We also have a variety of letterpress and hand screen printed Father’s day cards in store!


“You’re Great” hand screen printed poster by Kid Icarus, $40. (18″ x 24″)
For the road tripping Dad who drove you and your family on all of those summer camping trips. For putting up with the contestant nagging “are we there yet?”, Thanks Dad.

Dominion leather bifold wallet, $80. Apogee Handmade folded card carry, $48.
“Witchshark” hand screen printed poster for Bellwoods Brewery, $35. (18″ x 24″)
For the beer loving Dad, or maybe he just really likes sharks.
Apogee Handmade leather key lanyards, $34 each.
For the Dad who can never find his keys.
“Man Anatomy” screen printed poster by Raymond Biesinger, $40.
Home Brewer’s Labels, $17 . How to make Coffee, $22 . The Home Brewer’s Lab Book, $27 . Whiskey Notes, $19 .
For the meticulous, creative, beverage loving Dad. One day he will finally make that perfect brew and it will be a glorious day.
“Velo” screen printed poster by Doublenaut, $35. (18″ x 24″)
Oh So Retro bifold wallets, $36 each.

All of the items in this post are available at our Kensington Market location, some items are also available at our Parkdale location. Feel free to call our Parkdale location to check if an item is in stock.

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Fall Screen Printing Workshops!

Kid Icarus Workshops

Don’t let the end of summer get you down! Instead focus your energies on getting pumped for the upcoming reasons to get together with pals! Of course we’re talking Thanksgiving, Halloween and its never too early to think about Christmas.

Why not screen-print some Halloween decorations, impress with screen printed table settings for your Thanksgiving dinner, or make hand printed Christmas cards! The possibilities are endless. If you or your friends are interested in learning how to setup and screen print at home, this workshop is for you.

We’ve scheduled two Screen-printing 101 Workshops for October on the following dates:

Saturday, October 18th 12:30 – 5:00pm  SOLD OUT

Saturday, November 15th 12:30 – 5:00pm

Read more about our workshops and register online here. Alternatively you can pop into either our Kensington or Parkdale stores and sign up! $150 + tax.

Workshops make great gifts!
Do you know someone interested in learning more about the screen printing process? You can purchase a gift card and your friend can redeem it for a workshop that suits their schedule.

Kid Icarus Workshops
Kid Icarus Workshops


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Father’s Day – What to Get Dear Ol’ Dad

Father's Day cards at Kid Icarus

We’ve got a great selection of Father’s Day cards and gift ideas for your #1 Dad!
Looking for the perfect gift with the right amount of subtlety? It’s hard to go wrong with the “You’re Great” poster designed and screen printed at Kid Icarus, a sure-fire way to one up your siblings!  Your Dad’s more of a practical man? Dominion Leather wallets and key lanyards are hand made in Montreal, sleek and dutiable, plus these will look great on anybody, guaranteed!

Hand printed Father’s Day cards $5.00 – $6.50 each; Kid Icarus Screenprinted “You’re Great” poster $40.00 or framed for $90.00; Dominion Leather Bifold wallet $80.00; Dominion Leather Lanyard $40.00

Father's Day cards at Kid Icarus
You're Great Poster

Dominion Leather Goods for Kid Icarus