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Ron Guyatt Designs!

We recently had the pleasure of printing several Ron Guyatt poster designs!

Why not grab your favourite today!

Available for $35.00 each.

Cyberman, 3 colours, 8” x 24”

Daft Punk A and B, 3 colours, 8” x 24”


Cylon, 2 colours, 8” x 24”

Starlord, 3 colours, 8” x 24”

Nuka Cola Quantum, 4 colours – glow in the dark, 8” x 24”


Nuka Cola Classic, 3 colours, 8” x 24”

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Wolfe Island Music Festival

Hot off the press from the Kid Icarus Print department, we screen printed this poster for the Wolfe Island Music Festival a non-profit Musicfest that takes place Aug 10th and 11th, 2012 on Wolfe Island (a 20 minute free ferry ride from downtown Kingston, Ontario)

We have a limited number of these 18″x24 posters (3 colours) at the shop for $30
