Don’t let the end of summer get you down! Instead focus your energies on getting pumped for the upcoming reasons to get together with pals! Of course we’re talking Thanksgiving, Halloween and its never too early to think about Christmas.
Why not screen-print some Halloween decorations, impress with screen printed table settings for your Thanksgiving dinner, or make hand printed Christmas cards! The possibilities are endless. If you or your friends are interested in learning how to setup and screen print at home, this workshop is for you.
We’ve scheduled two Screen-printing 101 Workshops for October on the following dates:
Saturday, October 18th 12:30 – 5:00pm SOLD OUT
Saturday, November 15th 12:30 – 5:00pm
Read more about our workshops and register online here. Alternatively you can pop into either our Kensington or Parkdale stores and sign up! $150 + tax.
Workshops make great gifts!
Do you know someone interested in learning more about the screen printing process? You can purchase a gift card and your friend can redeem it for a workshop that suits their schedule.