The Kid Icarus screen printing workshops are offered throughout the year. Classes are open to 6-8 participants per session, and are located in the co-work basement space of the studio. The brightly lit, high ceiling work space hosts independent screen printers and is a great place to focus and get inspired.

To be notified of future workshops, please sign up to our newsletter.

Screen Printing 101: An Introduction to the Screen Printing Method

Duration: 3.5 hours, (includes 1/2 hour break)
Cost: $150, materials are included
Michael Viglione of Kid Icarus.
Class: This class will introduce you to the process and possibilities that screen printing can offer. You will learn the basics of designing art for screens using methods such as paper stencilling and exposing photo emulsion. The class will focus on technique over a finished product, allowing you to practice and refine the process under the guidance of a master printer.
You will leave this workshop with: – Greeting cards or small art prints that you have created. – The basic knowledge of building screens and printing techniques. – How to create a studio setup for printing at home.

To sign up to our workshops, please click on the button below or give us a call at the shop: 416-977-7236.
Please read our Terms and Conditions before signing up for a workshop.

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Kid Icarus Workshops
Kid Icarus Workshops
Screen Printing 101 at Kid Icarus
Screen Printing 101 at Kid Icarus
Screen Printing 101 at Kid Icarus
Screen Printing 101 at Kid Icarus
Screen Printing 101 at Kid Icarus
Screen Printing 101 at Kid Icarus